Hernán Ojeda

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Sergio Hernán Ojeda Peletti
Consultor De Transformación Digital Para Empresas
  • Residencia:
  • Edad:
  • Inteligencia Artificial (Chat GPT, Claude, Gemini, etc)
  • Google Perfil Empresas
  • Google Search y Analytics
  • Google Apps Scripts
  • Google Sheet Avanzado
  • Google Slides
  • Google appsheet
  • Metricool, Mailrelay, Make Integromat, Notion, Canva
  • HTML, CCS, JS, PHP, Wordpress, Woocommerce, Meta

Author: amadeus

11 de julio de 2024 / Sin categoría
¡Hola, mundo!

Te damos la bienvenida a WordPress. Esta es tu primera entrada. Edítala o bórrala, ¡luego empieza a escribir!

24 de septiembre de 2020 / Design, Events, Technology
Follow your own design process.

My job is simple and sophisticated, so it is possible to describe and simple, and flowery language. I love the…

24 de septiembre de 2020 / Design, Technology
Why You Should Take Care About Your Branding.

My job is simple and sophisticated, so it is possible to describe and simple, and flowery language. I love the…

The main thing for the designer – to create things.

Modern design and a lack of love dilettantism. Looking for such designers, which all use a little beauty and no matter…

24 de septiembre de 2020 / Design, Technology
Minimalism has reached a certain critical point.

My job is simple and sophisticated, so it is possible to describe and simple, and flowery language. I love the…

Inspiring design trends this fall 2017.

My job is simple and sophisticated, so it is possible to describe and simple, and flowery language. I love the…

24 de septiembre de 2020 / Design, Technology
Modern street art as a source of inspiration.

My job is simple and sophisticated, so it is possible to describe and simple, and flowery language. I love the…

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